PRODUCT : Containing strain of Azotobacter spp.
TRADE NAME : Bioazoto and Bhoomi Rakshak.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Dormant cell mass of Azotobacter spp. Cell count: 1x109/ml. min. or 1x109/gm. min.
FORMULATIONS : AS (Aqueous Suspension), WP (Wettable Powder) and GR (Granules)
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Rhizobium spp.
TRADE NAME : Biobium and Rhizo-Enrich.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Dormant cell mass of Rhizobium spp. Cell count: 1x109/ml. min or 1x109/gm. min.
FORMULATION : AS (Aqueous Suspension) and WP (Wettable Powder).
SPECTRUM : Biobium/Rhizo-Enrich develops nodules on the roots of leguminous plants by symbiotic association and fix atmospheric nitrogen increase yield upto 15 - 25%. It encourages early and better seed germination, increases root and shoot growth, reduce dosage requirement of nitrogenous fertilizers (nearly by 40% - 50%) and increases grains yield...
PRODUCT : Containing consortium of various Bacterial strains.
TRADE NAME : BIO-NPK and Bharpur.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Cell mass of bacterial cells. Cell Count : 1 X 109/ml. min. or 1 X 109/gm. min.
FORMULATION : AS (Aqueous Suspension) and GR (Granules).
SPECTRUM : Bio-NPK/Bharpur is able to synthesize/assimilate atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizes phosphates and potash into available form, thereby providing balanced nutrition to the crops. It converts non available forms of micronutrients into available form. Increases yield upto 15% - 25 %..........
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum.
TRADE NAME : Biophos and Get-Phos.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Dormant cell mass of Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum. Cell count: 1x109/ml. min. or 1x109/gm. min.
FORMULATION : AS (Aqueous suspension) , WP (Wettable Powder) and GR (Granules)
SPECTRUM : This organism is capable of solubilizing insoluble phosphates and makes it biologically available to plants and thereby helps in reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and increases the yield by 20% - 25% at a lower cost. It encourages early root development, produces ...........
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Frateuria aurentia.
TRADE NAME : BioPotash and Potash-Cure
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Dormant cell mass of Frateuria aurentia. Cell count: 1x109/ml. min. or 1x109/gm. min
FORMULATION : AS (Aqueous Suspension) and GR (Granules)
SPECTRUM : This bacteria is capable of mobilizing required potassium to target crops to the extent of 45% - 50% thereby increasing the yield by 15% - 25% and quality of produce - colour, shape, skin, sweetness, flavor and shelf life. It encourages early.......
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Azospirillum spp.
TRADE NAME : Biospirillum and Green Plus
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Dormant Cell mass of Azospirillum spp. Cell count: 1x109 /ml. min. or 1x109 /gm. min.
FORMULATION : AS ( Aqueous suspension) and WP (Wettable powder)
SPECTRUM : This organism can fix atmospheric nitrogen in range of 20 - 40 Kg. N/ha in non-leguminous crops and can save the use of chemical nitrogenous fertilizer upto 25% - 30%. It encourages better root development, synthesizes biologically.......
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Thiobacillus thioxidans.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Cell mass of Thiobacillus thioxidans.Cell Count: 1X109 /ml. min. or 1X109/gm. min.
FORMULATION : AS (Aqueous Suspension) and GR (Granules )
SPECTRUM : Sulphur is a macronutrient required by plants for synthesis of enzymes, oils, chlorophyll and vitamins. In legumes, sulphur is necessary for the efficient nitrogen fixation. Sulphur is not.......
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Zinc solubilizing bacteria.
TRADE NAME : Biozinc and Zinc-Cure.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Cell mass of zinc solubilizing bacteria. Cell Count: 1X109 /ml. min. or 1X109 /gm. min.
FORMULATION : AS (Aqueous Suspension) and GR (Granules)
SPECTRUM : This bacterium is capable of mobilizing required zinc to target crops to the extent of 45% - 50 % thereby increasing the yield by 15% - 25 %. Zinc plays major role in carbohydrate metabolism, both in photosynthesis.......
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Bacillus spp.
TRADE NAME : BioSilica and Silica-Cure
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Dormant cell mass of Bacillus spp. Cell Count :1X109/ml. min. or 1X109/gm. min.
FORMULATION : As (Aqueous Suspension), WP (Wettable Powder) and GR (Granules).
SPECTRUM : This organism is capable of solubilizing silica and makes it available to plants. It makes cell wall of plants thicker, strong and increasing the size of vascular bundles thereby plants take up more water, nutrients and resulting in strong.......
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Mycorrhizal soil fungi (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza – VAM)
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Dormant cell mass/Mycelium of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza-VAM. Total viable propagules/gm. or ml. min. – 100/gm. or 100/ml. of finished products.
FORMULATION : AS (Aqueous Suspension), GR ( Granules) and WP (Wettable powder).
SPECTRUM : MYCO-RISE formed symbiotic associations with roots of the plant, regulate biological activities, improve soil fertility, soil health, uptake of plant nutrient, enhance plant growth in acidic and saline soils, water stress and .......
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Acetobacter spp.
TRADE NAME : Sugar-Plus
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Dormant cell mass of Acetobacter spp. Cell count : 1x10 9/ ml. min. or 1x10 9/ gm. min.
FORMULATION : AS (Aqueous Suspension), GR ( Granules) and WP (Wettable powder).
SPECTRUM : This organism is a nitrogen fixing endophytic bacterium originally isolated from sugar cane but found to be non-specific to many plants and crops. The bacterium establishes growth inside cortical cells of stems and inside xylem vessels. It shows beta-glucoronidase activity which helps fixation of Nitrogen, their by helping in reducing the use of chemical fertilizers. This increases the yield by 20% - 25% at a lower cost. It encourages better seed germination, impair disease resitance, improve soil health and soil fertility, secretes growth promoting harmones and enzymes levansucrase, Pyrroloquinolone quinone-linked dehydrogenase to increase crop prodectivity, reduces the dosage requirements of nitrogen (nearly by 20% - 30%). It can be used in crops like Sugarcane, Rice, Wheat, Sorghum, Cereals, Pulses, Cotton, Oilseeds, Vegetables, Fruit crops, Plantation crops, Pineapple, Coffee etc.