PRODUCT : Containing strain of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki, Serotype H-3 a, 3b, Strain Z-52.
TRADE NAME : Biolep.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Parasporal Crystal Containing Delta – endotoxin and Spores of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki, Serotype H-3 a, 3b, Strain Z-52.
FORMULATION : WP (Wettable Powder)
SPECTRUM : Highly active upto 3rd instar larvae of Lepidopteran caterpillars including Helicoverpa, Spodoptera, Plutella, Borers, Hairy caterpillars.....
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Verticillium lecanii.
TRADE NAME : Bioline and Verti-Star.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Mycelial fragments and spores of Verticillium lecanii. CFU count : 2 x 109/gm. min or 2 x 109ml. min.
FORMULATION : WP (Wettable Powder) and AS (Aqueous Suspension).
SPECTRUM : Highly active on sucking pests like Scale Insects, Coccus viridis, Aphids, Thrips, Mealy Bugs, Jassids, Hoppers, etc. on crops like Mustard, Sugarcane, Mango........
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Metarhizium anisopliae.
TRADE NAME : Biomet and Ankush.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Mycelial fragments and spores of Metarrhizium anisopliae. CFU count : 2 x 109/gm. min or 2 x 109/ml. min.
FORMULATION : WP (Wettable Powder) and AS (Aqueous Suspension)
SPECTRUM : Highly active on White grubs, Beetle Grubs, Caterpillars, Semiloopers, Cutworms and Sucking pests like Pyrilla, Brown Plant Hoppers, Mealybugs and Aphids on crops like Sugarcane, Groundnut, Rice, Tobacco, Potato.....
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Beauveria bassiana.
TRADE NAME : Biorin and Kargar.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Mycelial fragments and Spores of Beauveria bassiana. CFU count : 2 x 109/gm. min. or 2 x 109/ml. min.
FORMULATION : WP (Wettable Powder) and AS (Aqueous Suspension).
SPECTRUM : Highly active on Lepidopteran caterpillars including Helicoverpa, Spodoptera, Plutella, Borers, Hairy caterpillars, pests of vegetables and fruit plants and sucking pests like Scale insect, Mealy bug.....
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV) of Helicoverpa armigera.
TRADE NAME: Biovirus-H.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Polyhedral Inclusion Bodies (PIB) of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV) of Helicoverpa armigera . PIB count : 1 x 109/ ml. min.
FORMULATION : AS (Aqueous Suspension)
SPECTRUM : Highly active on Helicoverpa armigera pest of Cotton, Pigeon Pea, Gram, Tomato, Okra, Brinjal, Chilli, Cabbage, Pea, Groundnut, Tobacco, Millets, Oilseed crops, Roses etc.
PRODUCT : Containing strain of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV) of Spodoptera litura.
TRADE NAME : Biovirus-S.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Polyhedral Inclusion Bodies (PIB) of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV) of Spodoptera litura. PIB count : 1-2 x 109/ ml. min.
FORMULATION : AS (Aqueous Suspension)
SPECTRUM : Highly active on Spodoptera litura pest of Cotton, Groundnut, Pulses, Cabbage, Chillies, Tobacco, Oil seeds crops, Roses etc.