PRODUCT : Containing Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis, Strain VCRC B17, Serotype H-14.
TRADE NAME : Bacticide AS
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : (a) Parasporal crystal containing Deltaendotoxin 5%
(b) Spores 5%
POTENCY : Minimum 4000 IU/mg
FORMULATION : AS (Aqueous Suspension)
SPECTRUM : : Highly effective against feeding larval stages of various mosquito species e.g. Aedes, Culex, Anopheles, Culisetta, Psorophora, Uranotaenia, Mansonia,Simulium spp, Phlebotomus argentipes, vectors causing Malaria, Filaria, Japanese Encephalitis, Chikunguniya, Dengue, Nuisance mosquitoes, Onchocerciasis, kala-Azar etc.
MODE OF ACTION : Bacticide acts on host larvae through its parasporal crystal delta endotoxin and bacterial spores, causing starvation, paralysis and septicaemia of larval bodies ultimately resulting death of larval bodies.The endotoxin acts on midgut epithelium causing disintegration of gut wall, cessation of feeding activity, starvation and leakage of gut contents into haemolymph and body cavity of the larvae leading to general paralysis of larval body. The spores germinate to form bacterial cells that multiply in the larval gut body causing septicemia, leading to death of larvae. Surviving larvae if any, because of consuming sub-lethal doses,lead to under developed /deformed pupae unable to form the progenies.
Dosage : 5 Litre – 10 Litre per Ha. (1 Litre diluted in 50-100 Litre of water).
As soon as the mosquito breeding starts and at fortnightly interval. Spray preferably in late evenings for optimum efficacy. It can be sprayed in the field in both clean & polluted water by using high volume spraying equipments like bucket pump, rocket sprayer, foot sprayer, knapsack sprayer, compression knapsack battery sprayer or power sprayer. For best result good spray coverage is essential. Use of Bacticide AS results into sharp and continuous decline of larval populations (90%-100%) within 6-24 hrs. of application, in various habitats and ecologically different sites including drains, water streams, sewerage tanks, water coolers, cooling towers, fountains, construction sites, industrial scraps, rice fields, septic tanks, ditches, pools, marshy ponds etc. This results into decline of adult mosquito population.
Use of Bacticide AS results into sharp and continuous decline of larval populations (90%-100%) within 6-24 hrs. of application, in various habitats and ecologically different sites including drains, water streams, sewerage tanks, water coolers, cooling towers, fountains, construction sites, industrial scraps, rice fields, septic tanks, ditches, pools, marshy ponds etc. This results into decline of adult mosquito population.
ECO-SAFETY :Extremely safe to non-target species including mammals, human beings, parasites and predators of mosquito larvae, insects, hydrobionts, fishes, birds, flora fauna. A low hazardous (Green label) biolarvicide.
SHELF LIFE AND STORAGE : Minimum two (2) yrs. The product must be kept in its original properly labelled packing well sealed and stored in dry ventilated room at temperature not exceeding 45°C. Room should be well built, dry, well ventilated, well lit and of sufficient dimensions.
PACKING :100 ml. 250 ml. 500 ml. 1 Litre, 5 Litre in HDPE bottles and further packed in Cartons.