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PRODUCT : Bacticide is a water dispersible powder formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis var .israelensis, Serotype H-14, Strain 164.

ACTIVE INGREDIENT : (a) Parasporal crystal containing Deltaendotoxin 2.5%.

(b) Spores : 5%

(c) Viable spores count :3.0 x 1010 spores/gm

SPECTRUM : Highly active against 1st / IInd / IIIrd instar larvae of various mosquito species e.g. Aedes, Culex, Anopheles, Culisetta, Psorophora, Uranotaenia, Mansonia, vectors of Malaria, filaria, Japanese Encephalitis, Dengue fever and Nuisance mosquitoes and larvae of Black fly Simulium spp, vector of Onchocerciasis. It is also active against Phlebotomus argentipes vector of Kala-Azar.

MODE OF ACTION : Bacticide acts on host larvae through its parasporal crystal delta endotoxin and bacterial spores, causing paralysis, starvation and septicaemia ultimately resulting into death of larvae. The endotoxin acts on midgut epithelium causing disintegration of gut wall, cessation of feeding activity, starvation and leakage of gut contents into haemolymph and body cavity of the larvae leading to general paralysis of larval body.The spores germinate to form bacterial cells that multiply in the larval gut body causing septicemia.

FORMULATION : Wettable Powder (WP)

PACKING : 500 gm. 1Kg. 5Kg. in trilaminated aluminium foil pouches packed in cartons.

SHELF LIFE & STORAGE : Minimum 2 years and should be stored in dark, well ventilated rooms in original package at temperatures upto 45O C

ECO-SAFETY : Extremely safe to mammals, human beings, non-target parasites & predators, insects, hydrobionts, fishes, birds, Classified as green label low hazardous pesticide.

DIRECTION FOR USE : Make homogenous thick paste of Bacticide in small quantity of water. Dilute the paste in desired volume of water under intermittent stirring. Spray @ 0.5 gm/sq.m. water surface as 0.5% suspension, by knapsack or any other conventional sprayer at 2-6 weekly intervals.

FURTHER INFORMATIONS : Bacticide results in sharp and continous decline of larval populations (90-100%) within 6-24 hrs. of application, in various habitats and ecological different sites including drains, water streams, sewerage tanks, water coolers, cooling towers, fountains, construction sites, industrial scraps, rice fields, septic tanks, ditches, pools and marshy ponds, etc. This results in decline of adult mosquitoes, slide positivity rates and parasitological indices.